Rayon Laser anti Paparazzi

Apparently, what the man who has everything really wants above all else is privacy. And with enough money, he can even buy that.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich's new $2 billion yacht is equipped with something you won't find on any other boats: an anti-photo shield. When turned on, it uses lasers to sweep for camera sensors. When they detect one, they blast it with light, making any photo taken pointed at the boat not come out. Not a bad little trick, eh?

Source Gadgetlab

Pour le milliardaire russe, Roman Abramovitch, la vie privée n'a pas de prix donc il vient d'équiper son yatch d'un système de laser trés perfectionné neutralisant la prise de photo en projetant de la lumière sur les objectifs décelés.

Sheldon Jr.

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